Douglas T. Smith Editorial Services

m Digital Automatic Gain Control for Radio Transceivers
Digital Automatic Gain Control for Radio Transceivers
© 2003, Douglas T. Smith Editorial Services

Digital gain-control algorithms in a modern transceiver.
(Updated 5-26-2003)

Today's radio receivers need to handle a tremendous range of signal amplitudes, especially on HF. From a noise floor of about 0.1 uV to a maximum usable signal of around 1 V, the range is 140 dB! Users would like receiver output signals to remain constant in amplitude over most of that range. Automatic gain control or AGC does the job by setting receiver gain to be inversely proportional to input level.

Similarly, transmitters must employ gain control to prevent overdrive of their final power amplifiers. Transmitter gain control is usually called automatic level control or ALC.

Here, I discuss AGC and ALC as implemented in the Ten-Tec Orion. Digital signal processing (DSP) and its interaction with analog electronics are emphasized. The first section covers a refinement of the digital AGC I described in recent editions of The ARRL Handbook and in my DSP book.1,2

IF-DSP and Digital AGC

IF-DSP receivers produced at the time of this writing generally employ both analog and digital AGC systems. That is because the DSP section alone cannot achieve the 140 dB of dynamic range required. Analog AGC kicks in at some high input level to prevent overload of the analog-to-digital converter, thereby extending dynamic range.

At input levels below actuation of analog AGC, digital AGC is solely responsible for leveling output signals. DSP peak-detects IF signals falling within the desired passband and adjusts a digital gain-control factor to maintain constant peak output. Fig 1 is a simplified block diagram of this system, which is identical to that of a traditional analog AGC.

In digital AGC systems, it is relatively easy to provide a variable threshold or "knee." Input signals below the threshold do not actuate the digital AGC and are not compressed. At thresholds well above the receiver noise floor, a receiver therefore gets quiet when only puny input signals are present in the passband. At thresholds near the noise floor, all signals are boosted to meet the output-level criterion. The net effect of a variable threshold is very much like that of an IF gain control.

For settings FAST, MED and SLOW, the Orion's threshold is set to about 3 uV. That means you have about 30 dB of linear range between the noise floor and the point at which AGC starts operating. In PROG, you can set the AGC threshold manually. A low threshold (0.35 uV) means all signals are boosted to a constant peak output level; a high threshold (191 uV) means signals must reach about 12 dB over S-9 before compression occurs.

AGC decay rates describe how quickly IF gain increases in the absence of signals over the threshold. In the Orion, IF gain increases geometrically with time-- that is, by a programmable number of dB per second. The SLOW setting runs about 5 dB/s, while the FAST setting is many hundreds of dB/s. The OFF setting makes decay time very short. FAST and OFF are such that the AGC may actually destroy the envelopes of signals in the passband. The net result is clipping, which produces distortion-- but you wanted it fast, right?

It is also fairly easy to implement a peak-hold or "hang" function that retains the most-recent peak for an adjustable period of time. The S meter reflects the behavior of the AGC system in all ways. Attack time is generally fixed.

When noise reduction is engaged, it is desirable to artificially reduce the AGC threshold; otherwise, things get very quiet indeed! Because of that, you may notice that your audio level increases as you turn on noise reduction; but signal-to-noise ratio improves and that is the criterion, after all.

Analog and Digital AGCs Together

IF-DSP receivers use digital filtering for their final selectivity. That means the DSP samples more IF bandwidth than what is desired at the receiver output. Very large input signals may actuate analog AGC, reducing the gain between antenna and DSP. For in-band signals, that is no problem; but if the large signals are outside the final passband, analog gain is also reduced for in-band signals. The receiver's output amplitude will bop up and down as the analog AGC is pumped by the interference.

The general solution is to employ digital gain compensation. To do it, the DSP must have information about the amount of analog gain reduction and the ratio of in-band signals to interference.

Digital Gain Compensation

For traditional analog AGC systems not under the control of the DSP, analog gain-reduction information may be obtained by digitizing the AGC voltage. See Fig 2. The voltage value is used to look up a gain-reduction factor from a table stored in non-volatile memory. Such a table may be built using measurements of the actual hardware. Minor unit-to-unit variations are readily handled by placing the digital gain-compensation point inside the main digital AGC loop, as described below.

An alternate approach involves generating the analog AGC voltage in the DSP itself. See Fig 3. A digital-to-analog converter develops a voltage for application to analog gain-controlled stages. The chief drawback to the scheme is a significant delay between peak detection and gain change, since signals must propagate all the way through the DSP section before being detected. That can be compensated with a delay in the analog IF strip; but typically, the required delays of several ms are impractical.

In any case, call the analog gain-reduction factor g, where 0<g<1. For example, were g=1/2, analog gain reduction would be -20log(1/2) or about 6 dB. Now it remains for the DSP to compute how much of that gain reduction was caused by in-band signals and how much by interference. If all of it were caused by in-band signals, no gain compensation would be necessary and we would use digital gain-boost factor f=1. If all of it were caused by interference, in-band signals would have to be boosted by a factor f=g-1=2. For cases in between those two extremes, the procedure is a little tricky because f cannot be described by a single equation.

A Case Study in Gain

To get information about the ratio of in-band signals to interference, the DSP peak-detects both the broadband IF (everything that is digitized) and the receiver output. See Fig 4. Call the peak interference level m and the peak in-band signal n. The peak of the broadband IF is therefore the sum of the interference and in-band signals, or m+n. The DSP calculates the ratio:

The next step is to determine whether n by itself was large enough to actuate analog AGC. The DSP does that by comparing k with g-1. The algorithm accounts for three cases in the comparison.

Case 1: If k<g -1, then n by itself is large enough to actuate analog AGC and the gain-boost factor used is f=k. The ratio of signals solely determines the boost factor.

Case 2: If k>g -1, then n by itself is not large enough to actuate analog AGC and the gain-boost factor is f=g -1. Analog gain reduction solely determines the boost factor.

Case 3: When k=g -1, it obviously does not matter which is used as the gain-boost factor since they are equal.

Remember that when analog AGC is inactive, no gain boost need be applied.

Note that g depends only on the characteristics of the analog gain-controlled stage or stages; k depends on the ratio of in-band and interfering signals, irrespective of the analog section. The two possible gain-boost variables therefore produce different functions and curves. The curves are guaranteed to meet where k=g -1.

Gain Boost Belongs Inside the AGC Loop

The decay time of the broadband m+n peak detector must match that of analog AGC as closely as possible. The decay time of the in-band n peak detector may be altered at will to get the desired response. Placing the digital gain boost inside the AGC loop assures that a constant peak output level will be maintained even in the face of minor variations in analog gain control. See Fig 5.

Inside the loop, we apply digital gain boost to signals before they are peak-detected. Therefore, the main digital AGC loop prevents them from exceeding the set output level when interference-- and k or g-1-- rapidly increase. In addition, IF gain may be manually reduced by artificially increasing the analog AGC voltage without deleterious effects.

Finally, gain-boost factor f may be directly used to compensate a signal-strength meter by the appropriate amount. Just as the receiver output level remains constant in the presence of interference, so does the S meter. When IF gain is manually reduced, the S meter goes down-- not up, as in so many rigs.

Preventing AGC Overshoot

A DSP normally stores signals to be processed in a series of buffers. Signals from recent to old are therefore available. That presents a neat way of avoiding late adjustment of AGC or overshoot.

When a big signal comes along, receiver input amplitude may rise rapidly from the noise floor to a value of some 100 dB greater, or more. A CW signal with a fast rise time may necessitate a gain-change rate of thousands of dB per second! Digital AGC copes with that by detecting older signals and applying the gain change to more-recent signals before they are output. In that way, the DSP "sees" the big signal coming before it can destroy a constant output level. The technique need not introduce additional delays in baseband output because it is only the detector that moves backward in time.

Digital ALC and Transmit Gain Control (TGC)

Transmitters are likely to have gains that vary quite a bit with frequency, temperature and supply voltage. Like receivers, they may be called on to handle a large range of input levels without exceeding a set output level. ALC serves that purpose.

It is plausible to arrange for ALC in an IF-DSP transmitter by digitizing an indication of forward power, such as from a bridge, and adjusting the drive signal applied to the exciter. In that case, no analog gain-controlled stages are needed; but it does reduce the available dynamic range of the transmitter somewhat.

The other possibility is to employ a traditional analog ALC with gain-controlled stages. Still, some adjustment of drive from the DSP is called for to maintain optimum performance over wide ranges of frequency and output power.


TGC is a neat concept that was first practiced at Collins Radio, as far as I know.3 It is a secondary ALC system that slowly changes the maximum drive applied to a transmitter so that the main ALC does not have to work so hard. The benefits include a minimum of overshoot on SSB and CW and prevention of ALC pumping. It leads to an innovative system for AM transmitters that achieves zero carrier shift, described below.

We must apply sufficient drive to achieve desired output power; but we do not want to apply more drive than absolutely necessary. When a DSP can get information about the required level, it can optimize drive. One reason to do so is to maintain optimal RF rise and fall times and shapes that minimize interference to others.

When an ALC-controlled transmitter is driven hard, it rises rapidly to its set power level. After it gets there, the ALC loop attempts to reduce gain. If all that happens too fast, it becomes very difficult to avoid spikes and other artifacts in the output.

Digital TGC forces a DSP to examine ALC voltage to determine the amount of gain reduction occurring in analog. As in the receiver case, it does that by digitizing the voltage and using it as an address into a look-up table. When analog gain reduction is excessive, the DSP is programmed to reduce drive. In the absence of ALC, it is programmed to increase drive to a preset maximum. TGC usually changes quite slowly, although it is often set to reduce drive quicker than to increase it.

TGC is set to achieve a drive level slightly higher than what is necessary to attain rated power. A 3-dB margin is common. Note that no matter what the set power level, TGC will alter drive to match. That is handy in transmitters that use ALC over a wide range of power levels.

A Unique AM ALC

Here is a novel AM ALC system that sports zero carrier shift and 100% maximum modulation, regardless of transmitter gain and baseband wave shapes. Refer to Fig 6.

A DSP obtains information about peak transmitter output power from a bridge, as above. Since it already has information about its peak drive level, it can compute the transmitter's gain. It is then relatively easy to find the drive level that produces a carrier of exactly 25% of the set power level.

An audio compressor is employed that sets the maximum baseband peak level identical to that of the carrier. When modulation is performed, the result is a 100%-modulated AM wave. The audio compressor uses a full-wave rectifier. If the baseband voltage had a higher negative peak than positive, 100% downward modulation would be reached in compression before 100% upward modulation could occur.

Carrier amplitude does not change because the transmitter gain calculation is performed on the peak-detected combination of Vc+Mt, where Vc is the peak carrier level and Mt is the peak modulation level. DSP computes the peak drive level based on carrier plus modulation; it computes the carrier level based on transmitter gain. Carrier shift, therefore, is avoided entirely-- Doug Smith, KF6DX.

For Further Reading

1. ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, 2003, 80th edition, D. Reed, ed.; ARRL, Newington, CT, 2002; ISBN: 0-87259-192-1.
2. Digital Signal Processing Technology, D. Smith, ARRL, 2001, ISBN: 0-87259-819-5.
3. Single Sideband Systems and Circuits, W. Sabin and E. Schoenike, eds; McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995; ISBN: 0-07912-038-5.