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Corsair Model 560



  • Frequency Coverage: 1.8 - 2.3, 3.5 - 4.0, 7.0 - 7.5, 10.0 - 10.5, 14.0 - 14.5, 18.0 - 18.5, 21.0 - 21.5, 24.5 - 25.0, 28.0 - 30.0 MHz transceive. (VFO provides approximately 40 kHz overrun on each band edge.).
  • VFO Stability: Less than 15 Hz change per Fo averaged over a 40o change from 70o to 110o F after 30 minutes warmup. Less than 10 Hz change from 105 to 125 Vac line voltage when using a TEN-TEC power supply.
  • Tuning Rate: Vernier, 18 kHz per revolution, typical.
  • Readout: 6 digit, 0.3" LED numerals.
  • Accuracy: +/- 100 Hz.
  • Semi-Conductors: 1 LSI, 20 IC's, 94 transistors, 107 diodes, 6 LED readouts.
  • PC Boards: 22 PC assemblies with plug-in cables.
  • Antenna Impedance: 50 ohm, unbalanced.
  • Construction: Rigid steel chassis. Black/Bronze finished aluminum front and rear panels, textured top and bottom. Snap-up stainless steel bail.
  • Power Required: 12-14 Vdc, 850 mA receive, 18.5 A max transmit.
  • Dimensions: HWD 5.25" x 15" x 14" (13 x 38 x 36 cm), bail retracted.
  • Weight: 14 lbs - 6.4 kg.


  • Sensitivity: 0.25 uV for 10 dB S+N/N, all bands.0.8 uV typical with RF amplifier off.
  • Selectivity: 12-pole crystal ladder filtering. 2.4 kHz bandwidth, 1.7 to 1 shape factor at 6/60 dB. Three position switch selects standard ssb filter, optional 1.8 kHz ssb filter, 500 Hz cw filter, or 250 Hz cw filter.
  • Notch Filter: Greater than 50 dB notch tunable between 200 Hz and 3.5 kHz.
  • CW Spot: With 750 Hz reference tone.
  • I-F Frequencies: 9 MHz and 6.3 MHz.
  • Antenna Input: Low impedance, unbalanced.
  • Audio Output: 1 watt @ 8 ohms with less than 2% distortion. Built-in speaker.
  • Spurious Responses: All below equivalent 10 dB S+N/N signal except 1.838 MHz (less than 15 dB S+N/N), 21.300 MHz (less than 20 dB S+N/N)
  • Attenuator: -20 dB.
  • Image Rejection: >100 dB.
  • Noise Blanker: Switchable on/off with width adjustment.
  • Dynamic Range: 97 dB, measured with standard 2.4 kHz filter at 20 kHz spacing, 100 dB+ with CW filters.
  • Third Order Intercept: +10 dBm
  • Noise Floor: -133 dBm @ 2.4 KHz bandwidth.
  • Squelch Sensitivity: Less than 0.6 uV
  • Receiver Recovery Time: Less than 30 ms.
  • Passband Tuning I-F Shift: +/- 2.3 kHz.
  • Audio Bandpass Filter: 4 pole, variable center frequency 220 Hz to 1.7 kHz, 35% bandwidth @ -6 dB.
  • Tone Control: Variable 15 dB roll-off @ 5 kHz.
  • Phase Noise Performance fo the OMNI V: -127 dBc/Hz @ 250 Hz offset from carrier, -146 dBc/Hz @ 5 kHz offset from carrier.


  • Modes: USB and LSB (J3E), CW (A1A), FSK (F1A), Optional FM.
  • DC Power Input: 200 watts maximum.
  • RF Output: ALC stabilized, adjustable from 20 watts to 100 watts (50 Ohm load) with front panel RF OUT control.
  • Microphone Impedance: 200 Ohms to 50K Ohms. Bias voltage for electret mic is provided in front panel connector.
  • CW Sidetone: Internally generated with rear panel level and tone adjustments, independent of front panel audio level control.
  • SSB Generation: 9 MHz, 8 pole crystal ladder filter, balanced modulator.
  • Carrier Suppression: Greater than 60 dB.
  • Unwanted Sideband Suppression: Greater than 60 dB at 1.5 kHz AF input.
  • Harmonic Emissions: Greater than 45 dB below peak power output.
  • Third Order Intermod Products: -30 dB from two tone at 100 watts PEP.
  • Metering: Switchable forward power, SWR, collector current or audio processing level on SSB.
  • CW Offset: 600 Hz
  • FSK Shift: 170 Hz


  • ARRL (Must be an ARRL member and logged in to view.)



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